Neonatal Baby Loss
The loss of a baby is one of the most tragic events that can strike a family. Our mission is to help neonatal providers with out special range of baby loss products to cope with the loss of a baby before, during, or after birth. As a neonatal caregiver, you are in a unique position to provide a level of care that can greatly affect the course of a family’s grieving process.
Parents have often fears about death and their baby’s appearance. Our special baby loss products products enables the baby to stay in the hospital room and gives parents the opportunity to take the time they need. To support the parents to see, hold or touch their baby and have some private time alone to say good-bye in an unhurried fashion. Holding their baby may prevent a lot of future regrets.
We are committed to support healthcare providers who have to assist families through this emotional time. In spite of the grief this is a special time, a time to create memories and acknowledge the baby’s existence in the world. As caregiver, you can make the difference.

The Watermethod
When a baby is stillborn, parents are faced with the sad task of welcoming and saying goodbye at the same time. Putting the child back into water offers parents an accessible, gentle and loving way to see and cherish their child.
Because the baby stays beautiful in water, the watermethod gives precious time to parents and their loved ones. The water method is applied to deceased babies of any gestational age. Obviously, it has the greatest benefits in young children, when the skin is most fragile.
This way they can welcome and say goodbye to this life that ended before it really started.

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